RE Conference - Sharing Through Stories brings Inspiration & harmony
This year’s conference took place place on the 9th May at the country house setting of Mere Court Hotel in Knutsford.
The theme of the conference was around scriptural reasoning - sharing stories across world faiths.
On a beautiful sunny day, there was a vibrant buzz of excitement that filled the air as RE leaders from primary schools gathered to enjoy learning about the power of shared interfaith stories from Dr Anne Moseley, founder of Story Tent. The room was adorned with suitably fitting drapery to resemble at tent, where Dr Moseley inspired our teachers with how to create a hospitable space whilst developing skills and characteristics of openness, curiosity, communication, interpretation and respect.
We were also fortunate to be joined by three esteemed local community faith storytellers, Imran Kotwal, from the Muslim Learner Service; Michelle Hayward, a practicing Jewess and Bisakha Sarker MBE, a respected figure in the Hindu community, both from the Liverpool Community Spirit. Each storyteller shared stories and narratives from their faith to inspire schools to develop their world faiths, views and spirituality. The day drew to a close with an engaging Q&A to gain a deeper understanding of the harmony between faiths.
Save the date for our Senior Leaders Conference taking place on the
21st November 2024