Bishops’ Blue Coat High: Multi-faith places of worship visits
The RE Department at Bishops’ Blue Coat High School seeks to provide students with meaningful opportunities to directly encounter the culturally diverse and multi-faith nature of British society.
For our recent Personal Development Days, all Y7 and Y9 students have visited places of worship in Liverpool, Chester and Manchester, including Roman Catholic and Anglican cathedrals, a Mosque, Gurdwara, !Audacious Church, and a Sikh temple.
As well as being educational, these trips are an important way to cultivate the British values of respect and tolerance which are also some of our key values as a school.
“This PD day I believe is important because it helps us learn more about others in the world that we share with them and opens up more doors to our culture awareness which I think is very important. It also gives us knowledge of respect as everyone had to use this skill to take part in the trip. This helps us grow as people. Another final skill I feel we learnt was being open to new things.”
More positive feedback from our students….
“I like the Buddhist temple as it was interesting to see a not-so-common religion in the UK and how they worship…..”
“The !Audacious Church was amazing, I never knew Christians worshipped like that! It was like being at a concert…..”
“The Sikhs at the Gurdwara were really welcoming and generous. We even got to have a meal when we were there!….”
“It was good to see how other religions pray and how places of worship offer in different religions.…”